Yearly 2014 Predictions For All Sun Signs..

Aries 21 March – 20 April

In my last year’s Prediction , I had said that Saturn will make you struggle but eventually Saturn will deliver and you will reach a peak of success in your profession and social status. In this year’s chart, Lord of your Ascendant, Mars is located in 6th house from your Sun-Sign. Ketu is still transiting through your Sun-Sign and will do so till 13th July. The first half the year will be challenging. 6th house is the house of disease and obstacles and it also signifies your capacity to overcome disease and obstacles. There may be problems and oppositions in your profession and career. There may be legal problems. For some people there may be serious health issues. But as Ketu moves away from your sun-sign, you may be able to overcome some of these obstacles and challenges. Venus which is 2nd house lord and 7th house lord is retrograde in your 10th house may indicate in profession, there will be breaks and you need to be focused and must not give up or change track midway. The relationship front will remain steady and stable and new relationship and partnership may be forged. This applies to both your personal life as well as professional and social life. Most redeeming feature of this year for you will be new relationship and partnership. In the whole year context, financially you will be luckier than last year and you may gain greater material rewards than last year.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

Lord of Ascendant and lord of 8th house, Mars, is located in 6th house the house of disease and obstacles. Health will be an issue this year. You may be unnecessarily worried and confused about your health especially during the first half of the year. You may be taking opinion of too many people or too many specialists which will make you only confused. But the bottom line is nothing is wrong with you so just don’t worry and maintain a healthy life style which will be the best medicine for you.

Lord of your 10th house, the house of profession and lord of 11th house, the house of income and gain is Saturn is exalted and is located in your 7th house the house of partnership. Venus is also located in the 10th house. Though there will be challenges and some setbacks, but eventually this year will bring great success for you in your profession and career. You will be particularly favored by your partners and business associates.

Venus lord of 2nd house, the house of wealth and lord of 7th house, the house of partnership is located in your 10th house, the house of profession. There will be steady income and cash flow throughout the year. The last quarter of the year will be especially favorable for you.

Romance & Married life: 
As already stated earlier, this year will be the best part of your life for love and romance. Rahu in 7th house, can make new relationship during this year and exalted Saturn in 7th house will give stability and responsibility. This will be the year for responsible relationship. Middle of the year will be most suitable for marriage and long term commitment with the opposite sex during this year.

Your new year resolution for year 2014:
I must learn to respect and realize the value of partnership in my life. I must not take it for granted and must take every opportunity to express my thanks to my partners for their love and kindness.

Taurus 21 April – 20 May

Last year I had predicted that there will be unexpected material gain and most of your desires may get fulfilled through unexpected help from people.

In this year’s chart, Venus your ruling planet is located in Capricorn which is the 9th house from your Sun-Sign. However Venus is retrograde in this year’s chart. There may be fluctuation in your destiny and luck factor during this year. During some point you will be highly upbeat but during some other time you may sink to utter despair and lose all your hope. Please understand this is your entire mind and in your perception not necessarily the ground reality of what is actually happening in your life. The good news is day to day work life and your professional career is going to be the strongest and most favorable aspect in your life astrologically during this year. However you are likely to set up very ambitious and somewhat unrealistic goal during this year. Your actual achievement may not be consistent with your ambitious goals and desires. This could be reason for frustration and despair during this year as mentioned earlier.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

6th house is the house of disease, illness and enmities n day to day life. Lord of 6th house and lord of ascendant both is Venus for your Sun-Sign. Exalted Saturn and Rahu both are located in your 6th house as they were last year also, but Venus is retrograde this year and is located in your 9th house. Health wise you need to be careful during this year especially during the month January and February and also during September and October. However with exalted Saturn and Rahu in 6th house, you should be able to overcome all disease and obstacles in your life.

Exalted Saturn is the lord of both your 9th house as well as 10th house signifies that professional success is guaranteed but you must not forget that Saturn delivers success only after hard work and struggle. You will have challenges and difficulties but eventually you will succeed. The best months in your profession and career will be from May, 2014 till September, 2014.

During the month of July and August, your destiny will favor you and you may have unexpected material gain and success during this year. Between April to June, you must be careful to avoid unnecessary expenditure and losses. The month of October and November will be most favorable to accumulate wealth and to make some permanent and long term assets.

Romance & Married life : 
Mars is the lord of your 7th house, the house of marriage and partnership in your chart. Mars is located in your 5th house. For those who are seeking long term commitment and romance, the wedding bells are ringing this year. The period between July to August will be most favorable for marriage and long term commitment. People who are in existing relationship should try their best to maintain maximum harmony in their relationship during April and June 2014.

Your new year resolution for year 2014:
I must not lose faith in my destiny and in my own self. Whatever is happening is as per the will of God and is best for me. Everything will be OK.

Gemini 21 May – 21 June
Last year I had predicted that that you will be able to forge successful partnership in both your personal life as well as in your professional life.

In this year’s chart, Mercury the lord of your Sun sign is again located in your 7th house, the house of partnership along with your 2nd house lord Moon and 3rd house lord Sun. What had started last year is supposed to blossom and flourish in its full glory. This is the year of accumulation of wealth and all round prosperity in your life. Wealth, in terms of material assets and comfort, expansion in family, knowledge and experience in general will increase. Your destiny will rise. For many of you, God will bless you with progeny of your own. The 11th house lord Mars is located in your 4th house signifies that some of you may acquire land and property or acquire house and conveyance of your own.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

There will be no serious problems in health but you may be troubled by your chronic ailments. So, please do not neglect minor health issues and discomforts in body. You must be especially careful during months of January, April and June 2014. Try to maintain a healthy life-style during 2014. Yoga and meditation will keep you stress free and that will be the best protective shield for you in 2014.

In profession and career this will be an average year. However the reward to effort ratio will be very high for you in 2014. Consistent and determined effort on your part will guarantee success for you in every aspect of your career. The months of February/March and July/August will be most favorable for you.

You will be able to accumulate more wealth during this year no matter what is the level of earning for you during this year. The months of February/March and July/August indicate high level of income especially for those who run their own business or consultancy.

Romance & Married life:
Try to maintain maximum harmony with your partner during month of January, 2014. The whole of the year 2014 will be most favorable for love and romance. Gemini people can very easily fall in love or fall out of love. But those of you are thinking of marriage or serious long term commitment for life together with somebody, the month of July/August will be most auspicious and favorable.

Your new year resolution for year 2014:
I must consciously try very hard and be proactive to settle down in life both in my personal life as well as in my profession and career during the year 2014.

Cancer 22 June – 22 July
Last year in my prediction for Cancer, I wrote that 2013, Cancer people will definitely get success and recognition in their profession as well as in their bank balance.

In this year’s chart, the lord of your sign, Moon is located in your 6th house which is house of disease and obstacles and your capacity to overcome such obstacle. You will have to overcome many challenges and obstacles that you may face in your day to day activities in your profession and career. You must also be careful about your health during this year. You must try to maintain a healthy life style. Yoga and meditation will be very beneficial for you. Not withstanding challenges, you will be proactive and you will be confident. Your inherent nature is to nurture your home or people around you. You will be successful in your nurturing efforts.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

The bottom line is in-spite of challenges, disease and difficulties; you will maintain perfect physical and mental health. You will be able to carry on your day to day duties and responsibilities without any hindrance from any external events. Please do not over indulge yourself in new year celebrations during the month of January. July/August will be the best period to overcome all oppositions and enmities. This period will also be favorable to get loans or to recover old loans given by you.

You will take new initiatives during the month of February/March in your profession and career. You may start new projects or you may even take a new job during this period. The month of July/August will be the period when you are likely to get reward and recognition in your profession and career. Overall this will be a year of profession success and professional satisfaction in what you do in your career.

This year will be an average year for accumulation of wealth. However there will be increase in income during this year especially during month of November. Your expenses may shoot up during first quarter of 2014. However with the blessings of Saturn, you may be able to acquire land and building especially during second quarter of 2014. There are possibilities of unexpected gain through speculation or inheritance during this year especially during second quarter of 2014.

Romance & Married life:
2014 is not particularly favorable for Love and romance. April/May may be especially stressful for love and romance. As far as marital life is concerned, there is nothing to worry. It will be blissful and stable as usual. Those who want to get married or want to get into a long term commitment, the month of July/August will be most favorable.

Your new year resolution for year 2014:
I must not deviate from my intrinsic nature of being a nurturer and care giver. No matter whether my feelings for others are reciprocated or not, I must not cease to bestow my abundant love and care and feelings to others.

Leo 23 July – 23 Aug.
For Leo people, I wrote last year that you will consolidate your financial front and will make long term positive investments.

In this year’s chart, Lord of your Sign, Sun is again well placed in your 5th house which is house of pursuit of Vocation/Dharma result house in our chart. As a Leo person, the most important thing is pursuit of “dharma” Astrologically in this year’s chart; both 6th house as well as 8th house is most challenging for you. The greatest challenge in your life during this year is how you can stick to your path of Dharma, because 6th and 8th house challenges will divert you from your straight and narrow path of Dharma, by committing act of “Adharma” and deviating from the true purpose of your life.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

Retrograde Venus is placed in your 6th house. You may face opposition and enmity from the opposite sex during this year which can affect both your physical health as well as emotional health. If you are suffering from chronic ailment, that can cause trouble which may affect your day to day life. However in overall context, you should not worry about any serious ailments during this year.

The overall outlook in your profession is good this year. However, since the lord of your 10th house, the house of profession is Venus and which is retrograde, you may face unnecessary delays and obstacles in implementing your plans. But you must not lose heart or change track midway, and must carry out your duties and responsibilities with determination. The months of March, July and November will be especially favorable for you to achieve success in your career and profession.

Money wise, this will also be an OK year for you. During the first quarter of the year, your income may get affected but for the rest of the year, your income and earnings will be as per your expectation. However you may not be able to save or accumulate wealth as per your expectation. The period from July till October will be favorable to save and accumulate wealth in case you desire so and avoid unnecessary expenses and losses.

Romance & Married life: 
Married life will be stable and blissful for you during this year. Those of you who are thinking to take the marital vow this year, the period from April till September will be most favorable for you. For love and romance, the entire year is favorable except for the month of January.

Your new year resolution for the year 2013: 
I must not deviate from the path of ‘Dharma” or deviate from the true purpose of my life no matter how great is the provocation or temptation.

Virgo 24 Aug. – 23 Sept.
Last year I had predicted that for many Virgo people this will be the year for accumulation of wealth but it must be done by their own efforts.

In this year’s chart, Mercury the ruling planet of the sign is located in 4th house, the house which signifies the level of your material and emotional security and contentment in life. During this year, your primary focus will be to ensure complete material and emotional security in your life. Jupiter the lord of your 4th house as well as lord of 7th house is located in your 10th house, the house of profession and career. You will definitely concentrate on your profession and career. Saturn, the lord of 5th and lord of 6th house is exalted in your 2nd house. So not only you will achieve success in your career but this success will also bring financial prosperity for you and your family.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

Health :
Virgo people generally have weak constitution and suffer from chronic ailments but during this year your 6th house, which is house of disease and obstacles, is very strong and powerful. Saturn, the lord of 6th house, the house of disease and obstacles is exalted in 2nd house, hence no matter what will be the disease or obstacles during this year you will overcome them all. But you should generally be careful during January and April against chronic ailments.

Profession :
As already mentioned Jupiter is located in 10th house, the house of profession will bring great success as well as rewards in your career and profession but you must be careful especially during the first 4 months of the year. You need to adapt new strategy and must understand that you cannot afford to continue with business as usual mode. Your career will demand innovation and new initiatives. If you make the efforts then success is ensured from May onwards.

Finance :
Not only your income will rise from February onwards but you will able to take risk and you may gain unexpected wealth from speculative activities. The month of July/August will be most favorable to invest in Land and property. Do not hesitate to have that dream house for yourself and your family, make the investment this year.

Romance & Married life :
This is a good year for love and romance especially during July and August. However for those who are already married or in relationship this is going to be a challenging year. So you must try to maintain maximum harmony during the first quarter of this year.

Your new year resolution for year 2014:
I must be innovative and try new ways. I must take the initiative and I must have faith that people will join hands with me.

Libra 24 Sept. – 23 Oct.
Last year I wrote that in 2013, Rahu will be driving you with desire and ambition, but Saturn will create a balance to check on your unbridled ambition and desire created by Rahu. This year it remains the same because still Rahu and exalted Saturn is located in your Ascendant. However the main difference is last year the ruling planet, Venus was located in 2nd house, the house of wealth. But this year the ruling planet Venus is located in 4th house, the house of comfort, security and happiness. In fact last year your primary focus was to accumulate wealth. But this year your primary focus will be to seek security both emotional as well as material and peace, harmony and happiness in life. Having accumulated wealth you is now interested in domestic bliss and happiness. You will concentrate on your home and family.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

Health :
Lord of your Ascendant, Venus is retrograde this year. That is not very conducive for smooth health during the year. Also the strength of 6th house, the house of disease and obstacles is not very strong and powerful. Strong 6th house gives you the capacity to overcome all disease and obstacles in life. 

As a Libran, you would like to be free and you may not want to get involved too much with daily domestic chores or day to day routine responsibilities. This may cause a conflict within you which may be the cause of emotional or even physical stress during this year. You need to be especially careful during the months of January, May and June.

Profession :
The 10th house, the house of profession and career is very strong and beneficial this year. Whatever will be the new initiatives, new projects and even new jobs, just go ahead without any hesitation. From March onwards, there will be steady rise in your status and power in your career. The month of July indicates a peak period in your career. Last year as well as this year will be watershed year in your profession and career.

Finance :
Mars the lord of 2nd house, the house of wealth is located in your 12th house. For many of you, there will be wealth from foreign sources, multi- national companies, and projects. However, you may not be able to save or accumulate wealth in commensurate with your expectation or actual income. You need to be careful and check unexpected expenses.

Romance & Married life :
Ketu is located in 7th house, the house of partnership in your chart. Ketu creates confusion in mind. You need to be careful during the first half of the year. Many of you may hesitate and may not be able to make up your mind when it comes to the choice of a Life partner during this year. But for love and romance, the year will be particularly favorable especially from May till September.

Your New Year resolution for 2014 :
I must not blindly chase wealth at the cost of disrupting my mental peace and happiness.

Scorpio 24 Oct. – 22 Nov.
Last year 2013, I wrote that for you the year will be for taking new initiatives as well as to fulfill new desires in life. In this year’s chart, the ruling planet Mars is located in 11th house, the house of fulfillment of all material and sensual desires in life. Last year Mars was located in 3rd house, the house signifying seeding of desires. This is very good news because it means that Desires that were seeded by you last year are going to be fulfilled during this year. Thus 2014 is going to be the year for all fulfillment of desires in every aspect of your life.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

Health :
Ketu is located in your 6th house, the house of disease and obstacles. 6th house lord, Mars is located in 11th house and both 6th house and 11th house are strong and powerful, hence the bottom line is there will be no major health issues during this year. But because ketu is in 6th house, it may create confusion in your own mind about your own health. You may be taken by doctors for a futile chase through different medical tests to discover illness which is actually not there. Be careful during April to June so as not to succumb to such fear in your mind.

Profession :
The third and fourth lord, Saturn is located in your 12th house. You may have to undertake several foreign trips during this year in connection with your career. You may also get new opportunities from multi national companies or foreign connections in your career during this year. From May till September, it will be most favorable in your career and you may take many new initiatives during this period.

Finance :
Jupiter is the 2nd and 5th house lord in this year’s chart and Jupiter is located in your 8th house, but it is retrograde. There are possibilities of unexpected gain during this year. You may be able to recover some old dues during this year. This year will be favorable for gambling and speculative risks. But you should be clear that you must not expect huge gain or lottery during this year, if you are reckless then you may suffer huge losses. Moderate risk is what I am advising to you. Second and third quarter of this year should be favorable for investment in real estate and infra-structure.

Romance & Married life :
Venus, the planet of love and the 7th house and 12th house lord in your chart is retrograde this year. You may swing between two extremes during this year from a period of great love and passion to the other extreme of being complete ascetic and celibate. For those who are thinking to get married or to get into long term relationship, the month of November will be most favorable.

Your New year resolution for 2014 :
I must have clarity in mind. I must be able to distinguish who are my real friends and who are my enemies and are not my well wishers.

Sagittarius 23 Nov – 21 Dec.
Last year I wrote that 2013 there will be some struggle and conflict and you may feel that you are going one step forward and then you have been taking one step back ward.

In this year’s chart, Jupiter the ruling planet in your chart is located in 7th house, the house of partnership in your chart and is also retrograde. In 2013, it was located in your 6th house, the house of disease and obstacles and was also retrograde. This is definitely a significant improvement from last year. Exalted Saturn and Rahu are still transiting through your 11th house, the house of gain. The theme of this year will be gain through partnership. So, you must look forward and seek new partners and new opportunities. But there is one problem; Jupiter being retrograde may pull you back to stick to old partnerships and old ways. You must learn to move forward.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

Health :
your 6th house, the house of disease and obstacles is quite strong and powerful this year. This indicates no matter what the disease and obstacles are there, you will be able to overcome the same and move ahead. There are no serious problems in your health except some minor discomforts possibly during months of January and September.

Profession :
The 10th house, the house of profession and career lord, Mercury is located in your Ascendant along with your 9th house lord Sun is creating a rajyoga in your profession and career this year. The month of July and august this year will be most favorable for your career this year. 8th lord Moon is also located in your ascendant signifying some unexpected Karmic rewards in your life this year.

Finance : 
The second house, the house of wealth is not very strong and powerful this year. Retrograde Venus is located in your second house. But Saturn the 2nd house lord is exalted in your 11th house is creating a First Rate “dhana Yoga” in this year’s chart. There is no doubt you will have a high level of income this year but your savings and accumulation of wealth may not be commensurate with your expectation. Even then the month of July and August will be most favorable for you to acquire long term asset like land, real estate etc.

Romance & Married life : 
7th house, the house of partnership and marital life is quite strong indicating stability and happiness in marital life. 7th lord is located in ascendant indicates wedding bells will ring this year for people who want to get married or want to create long term partnership. October/November will be most favorable for marriage and long term partnership during this year.

Your New year resolution for 2014 :
I now that I cannot fulfill any desire without partnership. I must seek long term partnership during this year in my personal life as well as in my profession and career.Last year I wrote that 2013 there will be some struggle and conflict and you may feel that you are going one step forward and then you have been taking one step back ward.

In this year’s chart, Jupiter the ruling planet in your chart is located in 7th house, the house of partnership in your chart and is also retrograde. In 2013, it was located in your 6th house, the house of disease and obstacles and was also retrograde. This is definitely a significant improvement from last year. Exalted Saturn and Rahu are still transiting through your 11th house, the house of gain. The theme of this year will be gain through partnership. So, you must look forward and seek new partners and new opportunities. But there is one problem; Jupiter being retrograde may pull you back to stick to old partnerships and old ways. You must learn to move forward.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

Health :
your 6th house, the house of disease and obstacles is quite strong and powerful this year. This indicates no matter what the disease and obstacles are there, you will be able to overcome the same and move ahead. There are no serious problems in your health except some minor discomforts possibly during months of January and September.

Profession :
The 10th house, the house of profession and career lord, Mercury is located in your Ascendant along with your 9th house lord Sun is creating a rajyoga in your profession and career this year. The month of July and august this year will be most favorable for your career this year. 8th lord Moon is also located in your ascendant signifying some unexpected Karmic rewards in your life this year.

Finance : 
The second house, the house of wealth is not very strong and powerful this year. Retrograde Venus is located in your second house. But Saturn the 2nd house lord is exalted in your 11th house is creating a First Rate “dhana Yoga” in this year’s chart. There is no doubt you will have a high level of income this year but your savings and accumulation of wealth may not be commensurate with your expectation. Even then the month of July and August will be most favorable for you to acquire long term asset like land, real estate etc.

Romance & Married life : 
7th house, the house of partnership and marital life is quite strong indicating stability and happiness in marital life. 7th lord is located in ascendant indicates wedding bells will ring this year for people who want to get married or want to create long term partnership. October/November will be most favorable for marriage and long term partnership during this year.

Your New year resolution for 2014 :
I now that I cannot fulfill any desire without partnership. I must seek long term partnership during this year in my personal life as well as in my profession and career.

Capricorn 22 Dec. – 21 Jan.
In last year’s prediction I had predicted that you will achieve great success in your career and profession, though success will not come easy and Saturn will make you struggle and eventually Saturn will deliver.

In this year’s chart, situation is not significantly different as far as position of Saturn, the ruling planet of your sign is concerned. Venus is located in your sun-sign and is retrograde. But Saturn is still exalted and is located in your 10th house, the house of profession and career. The good news is there is an exchange between Saturn and Venus between your ascendant and 10th house. Venus is located in your Ascendant which is ruled by Saturn and Saturn is located in your 10th house which is ruled by Venus. This will strengthen both Saturn and Venus and will ensure great professional Success this year also.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

Health :
Since retrograde Jupiter is located in your 6th house, the house of disease and obstacles, you should be careful and cautious about your health especially during the first quarter of the year, chronic stomach and digestion problem may trouble you. But on the whole, no major health problems are indicated during this year.

Profession :
As already mentioned, your profession and career will be the best aspect of your life during this year. June/July/August will be the best months for professional success for you during this year. Since lord of 10th house, Venus is retrograde you must not take granted your success. Success may slip out of your hand at the last moment. But you must not give up and must keep trying without loosing your focus. Have faith on Saturn, it will eventually grant your success.

Finance :
11th house is the house of income and gain. Mars the lord of your 11th house is located in your 9th house, the house of destiny. Lord of 2nd house, Saturn is located in your 10th house and is exalted. This signifies that you will accumulate wealth through your own efforts in your profession and career. The months of May, June, July and August will be most favorable for you to accumulate wealth during this year.

Romance & Married life :
For some of you, wedding bells will ring during the month of June/July and August. For love and romance, the months of March, July and November will be most favorable. Those who are already married or in long term relationship, this year promises to be blissful and stable on the relationship front.

Your New Year Resolution for year 2014 :
My priority and focus should be to perform my day to day duties and responsibilities with all my passion and skill during this year.

Aquarius 22 Jan. – 19 Feb.
Last year, I had predicted that 2013 that any initiative that you will be taking in your profession and career which is related in some manner with foreign country and culture is likely to be successful for you.

In this year’s chart, Saturn the lord of your ruling sign is located in your 9th house, the house of destiny and higher values in life. In this year’s chart, 12th house lord, Saturn has exchanged signs with 2nd house lord Venus. The 10th house lord and 3rd house lord Mars is located in 8th house. The 2nd house and 11th house lord is located in 5th house. The 7th house lord Sun is located in 11th house in this year’s chart.

This year will be most favorable for you for spiritual progress and higher learning. However in profession and career, foreign connection and collaboration will be favorable. This year will be favorable for strategic alliance and partnership as well as in personal life will be favorable for marriage and long term relationship. However in profession and career, there may be some break or some doors may be closed as well as you may open new doors in your life.

2014 with respect to various aspects of life:

Health :
Both your 1st house and 6th house are very strong and powerful this year. 1st house indicates overall physical as well as mental status and self confidence. 6th house indicates disease and obstacles and your capacity to overcome disease and obstacles in day to day life. You have nothing to worry about your health during this year. Throughout the year you will be in best of sprit and self confidence. Anything you initiate during this year, your health will be totally supportive for you.

Profession :
Since lord of 10th house is located in your 8th house, there may be sudden setbacks and some doors may close. The months from April to June, may be very challenging. You may have to abandon some of the initiatives that you had taken earlier. However the months of February and March will be favorable for you. During these two months you must be ready to take proactive corrections so that you should be ready and prepared for any set-backs.

Finance :
Consolidate your finances during this year. Avoid any speculative or risky new ventures. During the first quarter itself you must exit from all speculative investments which are market dependent. You should also seriously consider investments in fixed assets like land and property. The months of July/August will be favorable for acquiring long term fixed assets.

Romance & Married life :
Middle of the year between May to August will be favorable for marriage and long term relationship. You should try to keep maximum harmony in your existing relationship. The months of October/November will be most suitable for love and romance during this year. Overall, I will say this will be an average year for love/romance and marital life.

Your New Year resolution for year 2014 :
I should seek higher meaning and purpose in my life during this year. I must not be disturbed or deviate from the true purpose of my life because of mundane losses or failures during this year.

Pisces 20 Feb.  – 20 March
Last year I had predicted that it will be very confusing for you. You may take one step forward and one step backward. However in this year’s chart, the ruling planet of your sign is located in 4th house, the house of emotional and material security and happiness. Your priority this year will be to ensure security and stability in every aspect of life. However unlike last year, you will take some proactive initiatives in this direction. For this year, success will come from active support of your partners both in your professional life as well as in your personal life.

2014 with respect to different aspects in your life:

Health :
Sun the 6th house lord is located in your 10th house. Your health will be ok and manageable provided you concentrate on your profession and career. Failure, hesitation and procrastination in your career can affect your physical health as well as your self confidence. The months of February/March will help you to build your self confidence. Your inherent nature is indecision and to change directions as symbolized by your sign (2 fishes swimming in opposite directions).

Profession :
You must be focused and pursue your career and profession with single minded determination. Except for the month of January, the entire year is favorable for your profession. You must try hard and make efforts then Jupiter will ensure rewards and results from May onwards, when Jupiter will transit through your 5th house and will be in direct motion. The 12th and 11th Lord, Saturn is exalted and will transit through your 8th house, the house of Karmic rewards and Karmic punishment. It will be upto your consistent efforts which will decide whether Saturn will deliver Karmic rewards or Karmic punishments during this year.

Finance :
Saturn the 11th lord is exalted in 8th house will ensure unexpected wealth during this year. Months of February/March and also months of July/August will be extremely favorable for unexpected gain and accumulation of wealth, during this year. You may gain wealth through foreign travel and foreign connection during this year.

Romance & Married life :
The 7th house, the house of partnership and marital life is strong and powerful in this year’s chart. The month of August will be most favorable for marriage and long term relationship. You should try to maintain the maximum harmony in your relationship during the first half of this year.

Your New Year resolution for year 2014:

My success must come from partnership this year. I must seek new partnership and must maintain maximum harmony in my existing relationship. 

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