The Truth About 2-01-2

Today is March 22. It is two days after the Spring 
Equinox. In Aries the Sun and New Moon lie at 2 degrees 
right now. They join with two other planets, making 
this a quadruple conjunction of Uranus, New Moon, Sun 
and Mercury. 

Then, on April 22, Mercury, which is retrograde now 
and begins moving forward again in early April, again 
joins Uranus. 

Notice ALL the 2's in the Astro-Numerology. 

22 symbolizes 'The Architect of Peace' and is also 
referred to as the Buddha Number. 22 reduces to 4 which 
grounds Peace into Physical Reality. 

2 is the number of Peace, Cooperation, Diplomacy, 
Compassion, Decisions and Relationships. 

In 2012, a year that begins and ends with a 2 - this 
moment in time is VERY important. 

For within the two 2s that frame 2012, we have the 
numbers 01. 

2 - 01 - 2 

0 is female, 1 is male. 

0 and 1 make up the universe, the computer code. They 
are the Alpha and Omega. 

When numbers combine in this way - across modalities - 
the moment is very, very precious. 

If you had unexpectedly potent dreams last night or 
today, visions, feelings or thoughts, take them to 
heart. You are being shown the deep potential that is 
personal to YOU in this birthing cycle of a new 

Today's conjunction takes place in the FIRST degrees 
of the FIRST sign of the Zodiac at the BEGINING of 
Spring in the Big Shift year of 2012. 

If there was ever a time to release your fears, let go 
of your self-image (the false image, not the true you), 
it is NOW. 

This can be painful, if you are resisting. 

Just know, you must make a choice. Know too, that 
whatever choice you make will be correct for you. There 
truly is no such thing as a 'wrong' choice. 

Every choice you make leads to more wisdom and 

Of course, Uranus always shakes things up by 
introducing unexpected twists and turns that accelerate 
life and bring a distinct changing of the guard. 

2012 and this moment now is asking you to reconsider 
how you interpret your past, your history. Consider who 
has been telling your story through the centuries. 
Don't judge. Just know that there is another way to BE. 

We are all equal. 

We are compassionate. 

We are loving, kind and tolerant. 

We can condone each others' choices without judgment. 

Today is a big turning point in how we 'SEE' life. How 
we treat one another. 

And, most of all, how you step through your fears and 
step into a brand new experience of BEING. 

'What you resist, persists' is intensifying 
dramatically this year. 

As the great Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Do the thing 
your fear and the death of fear is certain." 

Now go be the Creator of your Life!