Texas Governor Rick Perry launched his
Presidential bid on Saturday. He picked his timing carefully, to coincide with Ames Iowa Poll.

A portrait shot of a serious looking middle-aged African-American male (Barack Obama) looking straight ahead. He has short black hair, and is wearing a dark navy blazer with a blue striped tie over a light blue collared shirt. In the background are two flags hanging from separate flagpoles: an American flag, and one from the Executive Office of the President.
Even more interesting is that Perry's numbers have a lot in common with President Obama's. 

Both were born on the 4th day of the month, creating an immediate connection to the U.S. -- born on the 4th of July.

Both 'Barack Obama' and 'Rick Perry' have current names that add up to 17(8) the Immortality Number. This combination between an 8 name and  4 day of birth creates a strong feeling of destiny and fate in their lives. They are both fated to leave a legacy behind.

Governor Perry is already the longest running governor in Texas history, and the second longest serving U.S. governor in American history.

Not only was Perry born on the 4th, but his Life Purpose is 22(4).

So it's not surprising that the Republican candidate's announcement was made on ...  August 13 - a 4 Day.

Find out what YOUR personal numbers reveal about you. There's never been a better time to do so than now.