Love and Sexuality in 2012 
Happy Valentine's Day! Today we celebrate Love... 

What a great day to remember our relationship to 
everything, to every part of Life. 

Love, sex, money and God are the cornerstones of 
living. All involve an energy exchange between you and 

Your relationship with everyone and everything 
determines who you are. If you can't relate to people 
and things, you can't create or understand your role in 
that relationship. 

Maybe you're wondering - how are love, sex, money and 
God related? 

All involve being the Creator of your life. 

Let's look at money for a moment. Most people earn 
money by doing something they don't love. Work feels 
hard and takes a lot out of them. At the same time, we 
have been made to feel guilty about life's pleasures. 
About the very things we want most. 

No wonder we're fighting wars and lie in judgment of 
others. We're afraid to let go and let Happiness in. 

Love and abundance are FEELINGS. Their presence or 
absence in your life depends on what you choose for 

What do you want most? 


Here is a secret: 

Love everything you want in life. And it will be drawn 
to you. 

CHOOSE to feel pleasure, joy and abundance - and you 
will experience them! 

We have been raised NOT to feel personally gratified. 
We have been raised to feel guilty if life feels 
awesome and good! 

That is a definition of insanity... 

So, one of our biggest challenges is allowing love and 
sexuality into our lives. 

Did you know that embracing your own sexuality 
activates your creativity? And no, you don't have to be 
in an intimate relationship to feel sexual. 

The joy of loving another person begins by loving 
yourself first. 

Feeling happy, feeling pleasure allows you to share 
happiness and pleasure with others. 

Don't deny yourself the things that bring you 

Creativity and sexual expression are interrelated. 
Both create an extraordinary rhythmic energy flow. 

This brings up an interesting point about our 
teachings on Creation. 

When you think of the Creation Story of most any human 
culture, you know there is a male Deity who is separate 
from us humans and angry at us for not doing as He 

Hmm, is it a wonder then that we try to solve so many 
conflicts with anger, impatience and violence? 

Humans have a hard time loving themselves (let alone 
each other) because they have been told they are 
separate from God. They think they have to learn their 
lessons and earn their way into heaven. 

What if we changed that paradigm! 

Have you noticed that a person who is happy, at peace 
and spiritually nourished feels much too worthy to 
attack another? Because he/she knows we are all ONE. We 
are not separate. That is an illusion. The truth is we 
all come from one source. As the Michael Jackson song 
says, "We are the World". 

The Creation story introduced the concept of aloneness 
and isolation. Feeling alone makes us want to defend 
and protect ourselves from perceived outside negative 

And this is the approach we bring to our 

However, in 2012, we can shift this perception of 
isolation and fear, separation and conflict. 

2012 = 5 and 5 symbolizes fearlessness, change, joy 
and freedom. 

No matter what someone else thinks, does, feels, 
wants, is or says, no matter what energy someone else 
is sending out - all you focus on is what YOU are being 
in relation to the other person. Let each person worry 
about himself - what she herself is doing. 

That is the true meaning of freedom. Allowing another 
to do as they wish. 

Your life revolves around what YOU are, do, feel, 
want, think and say. 

If you focus on your own spiritual, emotional, mental 
and physical nourishment, on your own happiness, you 
will never loose yourself in a relationship. You will 
never join another because you are lonely. 

Those who focus on getting nourishment from outside of 
themselves because they feel separate and incomplete, 
enter a relationship in order to complete themselves - 
and this is where the problems really begin. Because 
then you have to give up who and what you are in order 
to be a couple. 

If your first relationship is to your self, honoring 
your self, feeling blessed, feeling happy - then you 
will see others as blessed too. 

What you do for YOU, you do for OTHERS. 

You and the other are ONE. 

At no other time during our lives is this more 
important than in 2012. 

Find out exactly how to achieve balance and well-being 
during this extraordinary year of change and unexpected 
events by consulting me.

If there is something you've been wanting to do 
all your life, get out there and do it!

Together, we will rock the 
world in 2012 - and beyond.: