Keeping 2012

We have a very artificial 
way of keeping count, of holding others to their word. 

We create contracts for marriage, for business and as 
promises, which are a verbal contract. 

Here is the real danger of making a promise to 
another. A promise is made during a moment in time that 
you can never replicate again. A promise assumes you 
know what the future will bring. 

Therefore, promises are made to be broken. Don't count 
on others to keep their promises. 

How many times have you made a promise only to regret 
it even moments later, because you have changed? 

In 2012 we will come face-to-face with the promises we 
have made to others and others have made to us. We'll 
see this year that any declaration must be made only 

When you love and respect another, there is no such 
thing as an obligation. 

Promises always come with an obligation. 

Remember that 2012 begins and ends with a 2... the 
number of one-on-one relationships. 

The two 2's frame the number "01". 

0 and 1 (circles and lines) make up our universe. They 
also form computer code. 

0 symbolizes Female. 

1 symbolizes Male. 

2012 is the fusion, the balancing of the male and 
female within all of us in the realm of our 

Since 2012 adds up to 5, the number of Freedom, our 
relationships will undergo a profound shift. Expect to 
be re-balanced this year in how you inter-act with 
every person in your life. 

The essence of Freedom is to welcome Change. 

Change is who you are. It is the only thing that is 
constant about you. You can't promise that you will be 
the same tomorrow as you are now. That would not be 

Therefore, all promises to another are actually 
keeping you from living your truth. 

Instead of making a promise, see your life as a series 
of decisions and declarations made moment-to-moment. 

Let's say you make a decision to be in a romantic 
partnership. In order for you BOTH to be free, don't 
promise this person that you will feel this way 
forever. Instead, make the decision over and over to 
love and cherish your partner. This makes your 
declaration of commitment a free choice. Plus you'll 
never resent your partner if your relationship changes 
down the road. (And it keeps the relationship fresh!) 

Taking this example further, let's say your partner 
does not want to keep his promise to you, for whatever 
reason. Why would you want someone to keep an 
obligation against his wish? What does that accomplish, 
except friction and strife? 

No person, nothing is worth holding on to against his 
or her will. 

Yes, I know it sounds risky and hard, but this is the 
whole point of Freedom. 

When you give another person their freedom, you are 
giving the gift of freedom to yourself. 

You will begin to notice that, as hard as some 
decisions feel at first, you and the other person will 
be far better off letting go of something that is no 
longer working than holding on. 

We have made our lives so complicated by wanting to 
control others around us to fit our view of life. 
Letting go and allowing another do "As You Wish" is 
the key to inner peace and happiness. 

2012 begins a whole new cycle in human history where 
we enable each other in the spirit of Freedom. 

Nothing is guaranteed from now on. Except your Freedom 
to change. 

And that is good news.