May is the Month of 5, which means never a dull moment! The shocking announcement regarding Osama Bin Laden on May 1st is an example of this dramatic Vibration. The 5 is high energy, so if you have been feeling listless and unmotivated, the Month of May should help change that. Write down exactly what it is you hope to accomplish during this month, because May will move quickly and unless you plan.

You won't get done all that you hope to.
If you can squeeze in a trip this month, by all means do, even if it is just for the weekend. Right now, many hotels are offering great deals, and you should take advantage! If you live anywhere near a body of water, get to the water and do some meditation. Ask yourself, "What is it I am trying to achieve? What is it I want to change?" Focus on your physical, mental, and spiritual life. The answers will come to you.

 Are you having any fun? Don't forget it is spring, the time of rebirth - the May flowers alone should remind you of that! The month of 5 is telling you that you are alive, and there are so many things you can do if you just stay in the moment. Be very clear about your goals, and by the end of this Month, you will find you have made real progress in improving your's a good month for you to schedule something important, such as having surgery, getting married, or signing an important document.but use ur lucky dates.