Importance of the fifth house
The fifth house in the birth-chart is as important in astrology as the fifth musical note in all the seven musical notes. The fifth musical note is the sweetest among all the notes, and similarly the fifth house is most special among all the houses.

Fifth house is the house of knowledge. Knowledge is something which determines the direction of our life. The lord of the fifth house increases the importance of its own house. Astrologers consider the fifth house as the house of Trine and is very auspicious. It is the house of intelligence and education. Fifth house is also considered to be the significator of children.

Fluctuations of life such as sudden benefits or losses are considered from the fifth house. Apart from this, the fifth house also occupies a special place in the birth-chart to assess the position of love. According to astrologers, the fifth house is the Yogakaarak of love relationships.