February breaks down to the Number 2, and the first thought I have about the 2 Vibration is dealing with emotion; you are going to feel things more deeply than usual during this month. Instead of getting defensive and thinking others are trying to hurt you, stop to consider that maybe you are taking it the wrong way. contd.

Before you speak up, take time out to think "Is it possible that I am over-reacting to what someone is doing here?"

The positive side of the Number 2 is that it is the love Number, and of course it is only fitting that Valentine's Day falls into this month. If you are in a relationship, I strongly advise you do something special for your partner. It can be the usual giving of cards and flowers, or how about offering to take over a chore-driving the kids or doing the dishes-to acknowledge the love that you have for them. I know some of you complain that Valentine's Day is commercial, and you are against it. Just accept that is a part of our culture and make it matter in a personal way. Use it as that special time to show your genuine love.

If you are single, I suggest you get a group of friends together, go out and celebrate your friendship. Laugh together and enjoy each other's company. Perhaps you could do something for yourself that day. Show that you have self love and respect, because that is very important. Feeling good about yourself is what attracts a healthy relationship.

This is a good day to pamper yourself. Go get your hair done, (guy's, have you been considering one of those 5 minute hair dyes to remove just the grey? Do it!). Under no circumstance should you be feeling bad about not being part of a couple. Remind yourselves that it is far better to be by yourself, than in a relationship that is unhealthy.

Also know that the 2 promotes intuition. Keep the Number 2 in mind when it comes to business, you can go with your gut feeling. If it does not feel right, it is okay to say "No" because your instinct will not fail you in this month of February.

I wish all of you a Happy Valentine's Day!