February 29, Leap Day. 
Famous people born on this day are: Motivational 
speaker Tony Robbins, Giacchino Rossini (classical 
composer) and singer Dinah Shore. 

Imagine not having a birthday 75% of your life! 

According to an old Irish legend, St Bridget struck a 
deal with St Patrick to allow women to propose to men - 
and not just the other way around - every 4 years. 
Supposedly this was introduced in order to balance the 
traditional roles of men and women, just like Leap Day 
balances the calendar every four years. 

Hmmm, so 1 DAY out of every four years (1 out of 1,461 
days) a woman gets to feel empowered in her 

We've come a long way since then. 

Actually this tradition touches on a very interesting 
point. Symbolically the number 29 is about male female 
relationships. February is the 2nd month - again the 
number of relationships and communication. 

We even celebrate Valentine's Day in February - no 
coincidence there. 

(BTW February 14 is also significant, since 14 is the 
number of pregnancy.) 

The ancient Chaldean priests taught that the number 29 
tests you constantly for spiritual strength. These 
tests are played out in your relationships. 

29 = 2+9 = 11 

11 = 1+1 = 2 

2 is the number of two people, relating and 
communicating. The frequency of Peace. 

When you develop absolute faith in the power and 
goodness of your Higher Self, and cultivate an energy 
of optimism - you will have discovered the miraculous 
healing medicine for the number 29. 

Those born on a 29 Day have special trials and a very 
special mission. Never blame others, rather accept full 
responsibility for your troubles and hurts. This is the 
surest way to turn "bad luck" into an infinite lucky 

You can see how Tony Robbins embodies and teaches the 
positive qualities of the number 29. "29ners" live a life 
of mastery, specifically learning how to master their 
relationships to others and, most importantly ALWAYS 
trusting their intuition. 29 reduces to 11 - a very 
psychic number. 29ners are always asked to listen - to 
pay attention to that inner voice. 

This number brings amazing insights and growth both 
for yourself and your partnerships and for others.