End of June 2012: The Turning Point
With the powerful Uranus / Pluto Square coming up on 
June 24, the importance of timing in our life could not 
be greater. 

Today the New Moon begins its cycle on 29 degrees in 

It is the 19th, a number that reduces to 10 and 1 - a 
profound opportunity to manifest (10) new beginnings (1). 

Here we have many Astro-Numerology events coming 
together in to create the ultimate Turning Point. 

Look at how the number 11 is activated right now: 

29 degrees of Gemini adds up to 11 which means Double 
New Beginnings, big decisions and walking through the 
two 1s (pillars) into the unknown. Having the New Moon 
appear today of all days signifies an even greater 
tipping point. 

The timing couldn't be more significant. 

This New Moon falls right before Summer solstice on 
June 21, 2012 which tips the Earth in a new direction... 
until 21.12.2012 when the cosmic renewal of a new era 
on Earth begins. 

December 21, 2012 ALSO adds up to 11! 

Note too that the summer solstice on June 21 this year 
happens to be a 14(5) Universal Day. 

14 represents the Media and reduces to 5 - the middle 
of all nine single digit numbers, 5 faces left and right, 
sits on a rocker and represents risk, change and decisions.

2012 = 5 

Joining the number 5 we're experiencing ALL year long 
with this powerful date and the number 11 means:

YOUR LIFE will NEVER be the same. Life on Earth is shifting 
rapidly, with or without your knowledge. No matter what, you 
WILL feel the change in a profound way by the end of the 

Could we have more indication that life as we know it 
will never be the same again? THAT is the true meaning 
of 2012 - NOT that the world comes to an end, but that 
our whole way of BEING stands at a tipping point. 

Right now we are beginning the final stage of the shift. The 
TIMING of these events is superb. 

A good friend recently shared a simple analogy about 
timing with me. He asked me, "What is the difference 
between salad and garbage?" 

Answer: "Timing."

I love that one! Truth simplified... 

Wait too long or push too early and you will miss your 
moment. Know that NOW is the time to 'make salad' - to 
move forward, even in trepidation. TRUST in the goodness 
of all outcomes. Bring a great sense of high expectations into 
the equation. You are more supported than EVER before. 

In these next six months, remember to: 

Re-evaluate, refocus, reawaken, and reinvent your 
life. Do this EVERY day. 

There's no need to be afraid. God and the Universe 
will ALWAYS grant you the freedom to choose what is 
right by you at any given moment. 

Trust how you feel. Trust your gut. Trust your instinct. 

Radical change is inevitable now. You have all the 
tools to evoke and elicit a positive, peaceful outcome. 

To support you at this incredible tipping point 
you must understand what your birth numbers reveal 
about your Destiny. Included right now with your 
Personal Numerology Blueprint is your 'Is My Name 
Fortunate?' report!