At any time we can create 
special moments that elicit inspired action and share the 
power of love. 

This energy is enveloping our planet right now as we build 
up to a powerful moment at the end of 2012. It began this 
earlier month with the Divine Feminine Venus frequency 
passing over our Sun. 

Old, outdated patterns are being loosened up and released. 
I'm sure you're feeling it on some level! 

Bless the changes now, for they bring beautiful gifts. 

To be perfectly clear, as a result of this shift happening 
in 2012 and beyond, many leaders are undergoing a 
transformation within their chosen field of service. 

They are balancing the feminine and masculine within their 
hearts and this is shifting the direction of their work. 

2-01-2 is the year that the balance of power shifts forever.