Michael Jackson's daughter Paris Jackson attempts suicide.
I got her details & studied her kundali also.
April 3, 1998
6:26 AM PST
Los Angeles
She is no.3(3 april 1998) running in her unlucky 16th(7) year. 16 is ketu no.
Ketu is considered planet of suicide.
16 in numerology means ek taraf kuaan ek taraf khaai
it means warning of some strange fatality awaiting one danger of accidents & defeat of one's plans.
After Jiah Khan suicide we heard this second news in no time.
but I studied paris jackson kundali there is no yog of suicide.thats why she didn't died.
infact her kundali is lucky.she will become successful.
Moon is the significator of our mind.chandrama mann ka karak hota hai.
Currently moon is sitting with ketu(planet of suicide) in aries(mangal) sign in 4th house & having malefic aspect from rahu & shani in 10th house.
In such dreadful astrological combination jiah khan died due to suicide & paris jackson attempted suicide.
But her kundali is nice & coming yogs are positive so she will be saved.