June is the Month of 6, which is a very nurturing Vibration. The 6 encourages bringing family together and bonding with all kinds of people in your life. Find some new ways to solve old problems. Now is a time that you can sit down and have a good clear-the-air conversation with someone you have been at odds with. This is because the Vibration of the 6 makes us want to take a look at family and relationships. The 6 Vibration also promotes commitment-It is no accident that so many couples say "I do" in the Month of June.
Also take a look at your home with new eyes, and consider what can you do to make it better. Is there a bathroom you could redo? Are there fresh flowers you could add to the living room coffee table? This 6 Month is the time to do what it takes to make your home more appealing.

Since the 6 is a strong take charge Vibration, be sure to not sabotage any of the efforts you have been making with others. You may suddenly feel that you don't want to compromise in group decisions, and you feel "It's my way, or the highway". Keep that kind of thinking to yourself, until you can find a more diplomatic way to get your points across.
Good news for those of you who have always wanted to run your own company, this is a great month to take the steps to launch one.
It is a good time for you to get the incorporating papers filed, and to efficiently make all the phone calls that need to be made. Also remember that "no man is an island" , so don't hesitate to look for and utilize the expertise of others. You will be so glad that you did!