I replace the words "problem", "challenge", and 

"crisis" with the word "opportunity", or I say 

"incredible situation" or "Interesting issue" first, 

and then find the opportunity in the message. 

By eliminating certain words from your vocabulary and  replacing them with empowering, positive, 

life-affirming words, you CHANGE your Perspective. 

Your path to power or victimization is directly tied to how you perceive pain - and pleasure. 

Be Playful. Humor the pain. Look it in the eye and  laugh. 

 Laughter is the greatest healing tool there is. 

 Laughter enables instant Purification. 

Your life is a living example of the Power to Change - at any moment in time. 

And remember... one ultimate tool to support you  throughout your life is a fortunate current name.

Be sure you have one.