Guru Dutt adds to 35 which adds to 8.
8 is very extreme no. it can give extreme highs & extreme lows.
Guru Dutt made some memorable films.
But his name adds to 8 so most of his films were depressing.
he also died in his 40th(4) year.
he attempted suicide 3 times.
35 is a name number which can make u famous but can bring disaster in life.
Micheal Jackson name adds to 44(8).he was famous but led disastrous life.
Guru Dutt words ("See, I wanted to be a director, I became one. Wanted to be an actor, I became one. Wanted to make good pictures, I have done that too. Have money, have everything. But I have nothing left.")
No.8 makes u think this kind of negative sad & morbid thinking.
He is said to have been mixing alcohol and sleeping pills. His death may have been suicide, or just an accidental overdose.