Few of my clients asked me about UP elections a week ago.who will win between Mulayam Mayawati & Uma Bharti.I dont have any interest in politics still I saw their numbers & told them.Mulayam Singh Yadav has strongest numbers & luck going in his favour as he is running in his lucky year.
4 & 1 go hand in hand in numerology.
Mulayam Singh Yadav is no.4(22 nov. 1939) running in his lucky 73rd(1) year.
73 adds to 1.& 1 stands for leadership.1 is the most lucky no. for 4.
So Mulayam's party won in UP due to his luck.
Pratibha Patil is no.1(19 dec.) She also became president in her lucky 73rd(1) year.My dad met her when she came to ujjain.
Rahul Gandhi is no.1(19 June 1970) running in his 42nd(6) year.As 1 & 6 dont gel well together.he is running in his unlucky year.But politics is good field for him & he will continue to be in politics through out his life.he is expected to shine in his 46th(1) year.