Colonel Gaddafi has 
been 'killed' in Libya.
Lets See his numbers.
2 & 7 always go hand in hand.

Gaddafi was born on 7 June 1942.
So he is ruled by 2 & 7.
His destiny no. is also 2.

2 & 7 always played an important role in his life.
He died in his 70th year.

He died on 20th October 2011.20 adds to 2.
Full date 20/10/2011 adds to 7.

Chairperson of the African Union
In office from
2 February 2009.
Prime Minister of Libya
In office from
16 January 1970 – 16 July 1972.16 adds to 7.he was PM for 2 years.
Secretary General of the General People's Congress of Libya
In office from 
2 March 1977 – 2 March 1979.
Most of the important events in his life happened on 2 & 7.