As predicted Desi Boyz is average.

Desi Boyz Has Average Weekend

Desi Boyz had an average weekend of 25 crore nett approx as per early estimates. The film grossed around 8 crore nett on Friday, another 8 crore nett on Saturday and 9 crore nett on Sunday.

The film failed to pick up especially at mass centres even on Sunday business was below the mark in single screens. Multiplex business was better but even that cannot be called good.

Only Punjab, Rajasthan and Delhi had put better than average numbers, the rest of the country is average with West Bengal and Nizam being poor.

Monday will depend at what levels the multiplexes can sustain as the film has been rejected by the single screen audience. Desi Boyz also has just one open week with The Dirty Picture releasing on Friday which makes it tough to put up a decent lifetime total.