As 9 is not good for Saif who is no.7(16 Aug.)
On Tuesday Mangalwar Mars day ruled by 9.
It is often causes fights,accidents.
FIR filed against Saif for bashing up a man.
Mangal karaye dangal.
Saif Ali Khan seems to be have landed himself in yet another controversy close on the heels of the release of his forthcoming home production Agent Vinod.

An FIR has been filed against the actor at Colaba police station after he allegedly bashed up a person during a brawl at the Wasabi restaurant at Taj last night.

Saif, Kareena and a few of their friends were having a good time dining at Wasabi when Iqbal Sharma, who was seated in the adjoining table, went up to Saif and asked him to talk softly. Saif reportedly asked Iqbal to go to a library if he was looking for a peaceful place. This argument led to a scuffle between the duo during which Saif punched his nose.

A case under section 325 of the IPC has been registered against the actor.