Anna Hazare is no.6(15 june)

(3,6,9) is a family of no. which are lucky for him.

Anna Hazare started his career as a driver in the Indian Army.

During his 15-year tenure as a soldier he was posted to several states.
15 adds to 6.

After 12(3) days of Hunger strike in Azad Maidan the President of India signed the draft of the Right to Information Act and ordered the state government to implement it.
12 adds to 3.

Anna started his fast unto death agitation on 9 August 2003.

Anna Hazare won the following awards –

1. Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra award by the Government of India in 1986(6) from the hands of Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi.1986 adds to 6.

2. 1989(9) - Krishi Bhushana award by the Government of Maharashtra.1989 adds to 9.

3. 1992(3) - Padmabhushan award, by the Government of India.1992 adds to 3.

4. On April 15(6) 2008, Anna Hazare received the World Bank's 2008 Jit Gill Memorial

Award for Outstanding Public Service.15 adds to 6.

His name also adds to 33(6) this no. attracts media.

Will not budge till we get Jan Lokpal Bill: Hazare

He is getting support from all over India in his lucky 75th(3) year.