Photo of Neil Armstrong, July 1969, in space suit with the helmet off

A tale of two Armstrongs
On August 25, the most famous of astronauts, Neil Armstrong, 
passed away. 

Days before, the most famous of road racing cyclists, Lance 
Armstrong, was in the news for facing a liftetime ban from 
competition for using performance enhancing drugs. 

Two Armstrongs - two strong men with very different 

What gave Neil Armstrong the extra edge was his highly 
fortunate current name which adds up to 45(9).

The same cannot be said of 'Lance Armstrong', who carries a 
challenging 12(3) name vibration. 12 is the 'victim number' 
when it comes to current names, and Lance certainly feels 

Unfortunately, Lance Armstrong's challenging current name 
keeps attracting obstacles into his life. He feels 
victimized. He knows most of the other cyclists took the 
same performance enhancing drugs. He could come clean and 
explain how his sport became so competitive that the only 
way to win was to stay one step ahead of the drug testers. 
He has chosen not to 'come clean' in order to protect his 
egoic self. 
Here is a man who reached legendary status both on and off 
the field, and yet his life is in shambles now. 
May Neil Armstrong rest in peace. May Lance find peace in 
his heart.