Passion, Poise and Power
The ancient Mayans predicted the end of an age and the 
beginning of a new one. And believe me, you'll KNOW 
everything will have shifted by then!

2012, a 5 Universal Year, is a pivot point of change. By 
the end of this year you will have had a major shift in 

2013 is a 6 Universal Year. The Law of Abundance will be 

6 is a number of birth and money.

6 takes responsibility. 

6 is a FEELING number and thus forges a natural 
emotional bond with Abundance.

What makes it such a profound year of opportunity is that 
the Law of Abundance will be grounded by the number 13, a 
transformational number of MANIFESTATION. 

You will never have more opportunity to monetize your 

This all means that 2013 will be a spectacular moment.