Miracles, Magic, Mystery and the letter M
Life is serving up big break-throughs 
which are helping us release decades of toxic stuff 
from our system. 

No surprise things are moving faster and intensifying in 
September -- a 5 Universal Month in a 5 Year! 

The letter M is the only 
one spoken with the mouth closed. 

This letter is important for us to understand as we 
close in on the year that follows the big shift - 2013. 

Let's look at the numerology and then get into how it's 
all lining up right now. 

'M' a mysterious, deep letter - literally symbolizing 
the sacredness of silence (mouth closed) and the 
deepest waters of the ocean, where there is no sound. 
Yet LIFE springs from these depths. 

M begins the word Mother - mothers give birth to new 
life. Magic, Mystery, Mysticism, Mountain and Miracle 
and Myth all begin with M. 

M is the 13th letter of the Western alphabet, the 
central point of our 26-letter system. 

M stands well balanced on two 'feet' and represents 
grounding of energy. 

The middle of 'M' is comprised of a 'V' which opens up 
to the divine for inspiration. These insights and ideas 
are able to be Manifested and Managed with a focused 
Mind and an excellent Memory. 

(V is the 22nd letter of the alphabet and M the 13th - 
both 22 and 13 reduce to the root number 4which 
represents planet Earth - architecture, physical 
manifestation of ideas, order and discipline.) 

The number 13 for letter M figures greatly next year in 

13/4 is the number of Power and Change: 

Original Thought (1) combines with Perfection in 
Creation (3) to Manifest in Physical Reality (4). 

Since M signifies the beginning of life, the sacred 
silence of creation and the center of our alphabet, a 
sense of mystery and magic will really begin entering 
our lives in a big way shortly, particularly after 

Amazingly, our own star the Sun will be facing the 
center of our Galaxy days before we enter the year 

This signifies the end of a 26,000 cycle, as the Mayans 
calculated long ago. 

Note that 13 + 13 = 26. 

13 is one of the numbers of CHANGE. 13 stands for life, 
death and rebirth - the ultimate transformation. 

With change comes the release of toxins, which in turn 
can bring upheaval - especially if there is resistance 
to change. Yes, it's natural for people to become 
confused and afraid at the start - scared of what 
change will bring. 

Yet that is when you loose your center. 

Here's an easy tool you can use when you feel yourself 
getting off balance: 

In your minds eye see the letter M as symbolizing 
Manifestation and the Miracle of Life. When you start 
to get off center you Worry. Flip the W for Worry back 
to M for stability and grounding. 

This tool is a way to shift your perspective when you 
need a 'quick' readjustment! 

When you are not centered, instead of focusing on 
what's going on inside of you, you choose to worry and 
project your fears outwardly. You do this by focusing 
on what Tomorrow might bring. Most drama is created 
this way. Of course all you're actually doing is 
projecting the past into the future while ignoring the 
present opportunity for insight and transformation. 

In this case, two things occur: 

1. You loose track of who you are BEING at this 
moment in time. 

2. You miss the Journey. 

Smelling the roses on the way is what keeps you 
centered. Being flexible and open, awake and aware, in 
tune with your intuition - is called BEING in the 

Not DOING in the center. 

The Doing always arises from who you are Being. If you 
choose to focus on your tomorrows, your doing will 
reflect confusion. 

'Know Thyself!' is the key to being happy and centered. 

How can you know yourself? By paying attention to 
spiritual modalities that reveal your own deep 

By understanding the secret wisdom revealed 
in your personal Numerology Report.
By KNOWING the Meaning and Mystery of your personal 
numbers code - both sides of the coin. 

If you don't face your shadow side, you will cast illusion 
onto the world. By facing and accepting your shadow, you 
will be set FREE! 

2012 is the Year of Freedom. 

Freedom from fear, freedom from self-enslavement, 
freedom from illusion. 

Take this opportunity to evolve and thrive! 
This will be an opportunity to shift like NO other. 
If there ever was a time to break free, it is NOW.