Kids have natural ability to stay real. They are open and 
inquisitive. Most importantly, they haven't learned to 
switch off 'who they are' in order to come across in a 
certain way or 'in the best light'. 

I love how Kids will break rules and expectations to keep 
their freedom! 

They are naturally FREE -- being themselves rather than 
'acting' out their life. 

As we grow into adults we're more prone to act than be - 
obeying unconscious, unspoken rules instead of trusting our 

Being real and authentic is not as prized and encouraged as 
is acting out a set of guidelines which were created FOR us 
- not BY us, 

Part of our inability to break the rules and create REAL freedom 
comes from a lack of spiritual tools.

One spiritual tool that demystifies our world and provides 
us with the wisdom to make informed decisions is the world 
of numbers, words and symbols. 

Words and numbers ARE powerful symbols. 

Just as your current name impacts your life in a big way, 
symbols do as well - whether you are aware of it or not. 
That's because every symbol carries a specific frequency. 

Words and numbers permeate everything we feel and do.