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Birthday Prediction For KAJOL

Born on 5th August 1975, Kajol is a Number 5 (Mercury) person in numerology ruled by Number 1 (Leo – ruler Sun) while her destiny number adds up to Number 8 (Saturn)

Being primarily ruled by Number 5, Kajol is upright frank, honest, talkative and communicative in her speeches. Like a typical Leo, she is also very adamant in her decisions and sticks to what she has committed and would hardly turn back on her words. Also with the influence of Saturn (Number 8), she has really worked hard to achieve what she has and is proud of the fact that she has made it big on her own terms.

Kajol will now be entering in her 40th year which indicates the beginning of a much positive phase ahead of her; thereby ending her much long hiatus from films.

Her next untitled project (an adaptation of Penoza) produced by hubby Ajay Devgn and directed by Ram Madhvani if released post August (next year,as she will enter in her lucky 41st(5) year) will prove to be a winner all the way. Her role as a widow who takes on the gangsters to protect her family will be much appreciated; be it by the critics or the aam junta.

Wearing a Blue Sapphire on her middle finger on a Saturday will ensure that she is able to rightly balance her health, personal and professional life.