April breaks down to the Number 4 in Numerology. Since the World Number 2011 also breaks down to a 4 (2+0+1=1=4), this intensifies the 4 Vibration in this month. The 4 will encourage you to expand your horizons by learning new things, and increase your knowledge about subjects you already know. It is a good time to go to the library and pick up some books, or sign up for a class. Examine your financial situation. Study ways to invest your earnings smartly.

One aspect of the 4 Vibration is a tendency towards stubbornly holding one's position, no matter what the facts may be. You have probably seen it in your personal life, and we are definitely seeing it all over the world in this Year of 4. We've seen it in Egypt, Libya.

So keep this in mind when you are dealing with the general public and your family members. Do not get pulled into arguments. This is a month to ask yourself," Is this debate really worth having? Or should I just keep my mouth shut?" Do not insist on your position-you will find it to be a waste of your time and emotionally draining.

If this is happening in your marriage, or intimate relationship, and you feel you just can't talk to your mate without hitting a brick wall, this is a good time to just pull back and write a letter. Be sure to tell your special person what's good about them and what their love means to you, before you get into into what is troubling you.

The 4 Vibration also plays a big part in the world of nature. Try to get to a lake or a river for meditation and exercise. Walking is so important at all times, but right now, especially so. If it is too cold (or too hot) to walk outside, find a mall or huge warehouse type store and walk the aisles.

Walking is not only good for your body, but also helps clear the mind-good for all that intense mental processing you will be doing! Great things can be accomplished in this month of April, if you use the positive side of the double 4 Vibration!