"Dis-tract" means to draw in different directions, to 

divert attention, 'to throw into a state of mind in 
which one knows not how to act.' 

"In-tention" means being 'on purpose' by directing your 
attention INWARDS. Going with-in. 

Distractions will always be there. Distractions 
dis-engage your heart and activate your need for 
Darwinian survival. Foil all distractions by tuning 

to your HEART. 

Set a good intention today and every day. Open your 
heart to inspiration, to goodness, wisdom and beauty. 

Doing this consistently is deeply life affirming. 

Abundance, happiness, love and peace are all part of 
the SAME dynamic - in each case you are welcoming 
goodness by embracing your exquisite inner beauty and 
making your life and environment a sanctuary of 
gratitude and joy. 

And to ensure your life is tuned to a positive frequency, 
check your current name. 

So much heart-ache and pain can be shifted and released 
when you embrace ONE fortunate current name. 

If you only do this one thing you are many steps ahead! 

Go within, tune to your heart center, set your positive 
intention - BE free! 

Go even deeper and discover the magic and mystery 

in your birth numbers.