Love Relationship and Reading the Mount of Venus
Our love life and the mount of Venus are two very closely interrelated aspects which give us information about our emotional selves in a lot of ways. The Venus mount is named after the goddess of love and basically portrays our passion for luxury and love combined with sensitivity.

It displays our ability to share with other people and helps in connecting us to our higher self. The most important aspect of the mount of Venus is perhaps its color. The color of this mount depicts a persons contentment with life, state of mind and happiness.


Pale to white: A cool and relaxed love life.

Red: Coarseness and anger related within the sexual aspect.
Light pink: Good sexual energy and warm,loving nature.

One another important aspect of the Venus mount is its size.


Small flat mount: A small flat mount displays low sex drive and a cold nature. This low mount removes a lot of positiveness from the other mounts. It also indicates that the person does not enjoy life as much as he should, and lives a life devoid of love.

A strong love affair or a person with a good Venus mount can help increase the potential of this low mount.

Medium mount: A medium mount of Venus can be considered as the perfectly balanced size. A person that possesses this type of a mount can be considered to be extremely sensitive, generous, warm and loving nature. This person has good vitality,magnetism and the power to draw the opposite sex. Also this person has respect and love of companionship.

Large mount: This large sized mount shows that the person may have a bright and bubbly personality. Such people are great lovers of life and are very devoted when in love. They also love luxury and at most times will be very generous and hospitable.

Very large mount: A very huge or large mount of Venus denotes an over indulgent sex life. In a relationship this person may be considered as a bully who likes to dominate others. This person leads a very unconventional life and may even be into sleaze.

Using these details mentioned above we can get to understand our emotional selves to some degree, and thus get in control our love life to some extent, making ourselves happier, content and in a better emotional state of mind.